I do these to relax. The main point here is experimenting with styles and techniques, the text itself is not that important. Here's one I did a while ago after I got inspired by a Escape From New York poster, I wanted to see if I could write in a similar style.
I've always liked drawing. I also happen to like typography and graffiti, and luckily you can combine the two!
I do these to relax. The main point here is experimenting with styles and techniques, the text itself is not that important. Here's one I did a while ago after I got inspired by a Escape From New York poster, I wanted to see if I could write in a similar style. Another mine blueprint, this time a lot cleaner than the last one. Plus there is a little gameplay element. A friend of mine suggested I'd recreate the mines from Abe's Odyssey, so I did. The mine cycles through an active/inactive state based on PL proximity, and then cycles between an armed-non-defusable and an armed-defusable state. If the player does the correct input at the right time the mine is defused and rendered harmless. It was a fun exercise! Learned a lot more about using variables, as there was a lot of things that needed to be checked at each state. Been poking around with blueprints a bit more, this one is a bit more advanced than the first one. It's a landmine that behaves like so:
Twas fun! Might try a bouncing betty next time. I've heard a lot of good things about blueprints in regards to rapid prototyping. I've always wanted to dive in to BPs but never really had the time. But now I'll make an effort and actually find time to do it. I've just started with UE4, so I am trying to get my bearings on the engine and blueprints in particular. Right now I wanna figure out how they work and what they are capable of. This blog will mainly be a chronicle of my progress, I'll update it now and then, mainly to incentivise me to keep it up, plus I want an archive where I can go back and look at the progress. Nothing motivates me more than measurable progress. Plus I have an awesome friend who is tutoring me, he's been immeasurably helpful. Anyways, here is my first blueprint. Simple stuff. Player walks in to a collision box, it plays a sound and changes the light to a random color. When the player exits it again changes the light to a random color |
BlogThe blog of Aydin Afzoud, Senior Game Designer at MachineGames. Archives
January 2021